Monday, July 11, 2011


Hello Friends....By now most of u must have recieved Google + invites from atleast one of ur gmail contacts . If not , hang on and I am sure u will.... :)


This post of mine is entirely dedicated to explain some cool features and tricks related to the new sensation in world of social networking 'Google +' . After being added to the Google +, I have spent leisure time of around 2 days playing with it , getting to know the interface, asking some really dumb questions to others and reading some tech blogs on it . Of course G+ seems a very amiable competitor of Failbook...oops!... I mean Facebook .. :D

So here are a few tricks and tips to make G+ more pleasant to u all :
  • Use Google  Chrome for G+ : It was obvious to me that G+ would look better and work faster on Google Chrome browser than any other . And really it worked ... :)
  • Download Chrome extension 'Surplus' : This extension allows you to access Google+ from anywhere in the web and keeps u notifying and updated so that u dont miss anything amidst your daily works. Also you can disable email notifications for G+ after downloading this extension as they appear on right top side of Chrome browser.Why recieve dozens of notifications via mail to fill up ur inbox...??
  • G+ Circles feature : With it u can add any person in any circle (personalized circle too) without having the person to know which circle he has been put in ..Its a fun feature....
  • Filter out ur Notifications : U can filter out all ur notifications with ease

  • Format ur text anywhere : Using *(Text)*, _(Text)_ and -(Text)- format u can write the text in Bold , Italics and Strike through styles respectively...

  • Some handy hotkeys : 
      j  or Spacebar :- scroll down to next item in stream .
     k or Shift+Spacebar :- scroll up to previous item in stream .
     Tab :- scroll thorugh comments or users on the post .
     Enter :-  While focusing on a particualr post pressing it will open comment box directly.
     Tab + Enter :- End comment .
     @ or  + :- to tag someone in the post or comment .
  • Integrate Facebook with Google+ : Now this is something really cool addon for browsers which combines facebook with google +.Download and install the addon from here ... Google + Facebook
  • Upload photos from your facebook with ease : Visit the site picknzip to do it . Actually with it u can download all your facebook pics in a single zip file and later upload them to G+...
  • Recieve mobile notifications : On ur profile click on the settings icon on right top corner and click on Google + settings . Thne to Google+ tab and set ur mobile detials ticking all the notifications u want to recieve hwne u r logget out of ur account.

  • Edit ur Comments and Posts : Unlike Facebook , G+ provides a feature to edit ur posts once posted and comments once commented . So go on write anything without the fear of ambiguity or spelling mistakes.. :)

Thats all from my side . If anyone wants to try out G+ but havent recieved an invite yet they can freely post their email ids in the comments . Do comment any other tricks u might have come across and help sharing ......Happy Googling +...!!