Monday, January 2, 2012

New Facebook Easter Egg

Google has constantly come up with easter eggs like 'Do a Barrel Roll' or 'Let it snow' time to time . This time Facebook has introduced an innovative easter egg for its users which basically allows you to use profile photos of your Facebook friends as emoticons ..!
And this is not all. This feature works for all the Facebook Pages and Groups..!
This would now look as what is displayed in pic below :

There are three ways how to do it....Follow these steps
  • Simply write the name of the friends whose profile photo you want to use squeezed between [[ and to look like [[your friends name]] and simply press enter to transform it into emoticon.
    Eg : [[John]]
  • If above doesnt work and shows blank profile pic just visit the profile of friend whose image you want to use as emoticon and then look for the url in your browser .
    • If the url looks like something like this '' where the number in bold after id varies with user. Use this number instead of your friends name now .
      For Eg. :  to use image of user whose url looks like above type [[100001424013536]]
    • If the url contains username of the friend instead of number like '', simply use the username in bold(ignoring uppercase).
      For Eg. : to use image of user whose url is as described type [[skyrideraj]] 
    • If you want to use the profile image of some group or page on facebook like the ''  where we use the bold letters to make a emoticon of it . [[countersxe]] or [[CountersXe]]

Thats it..! Now enjoy by sharing it with friends...and a very Happy New Year..! :)