Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Recent settings of Cyberoam Bypassed

Cyberoam again has applied some new settings....Owing to which sites have been blocked again and Facebook has become inaccessible before 7 pm and moreover torrent downloads have been restricted once again....No more Proxifier until we discover a new port....

I have discovered a new easier way to unblock all sites as well as download torrents anonymously. The simple loophole in cyberoam is that it cannot block the port forwarded to specific softwares such as You Freedom or Ultrasurf . These softwares use a specific reserved port for connecting to their servers. In our case we will use Ultrasurf .

Download Ultrasurf from here..Ultrasurf  or its easily available on DC under my share (Nick name - SkyriderAJ™  filename - U1017) ....
Be sure to save it on desktop and then log in to cyberoam . After logging in double click on Ultrasurf icon and then click on Options -> Tick on 'Do not use IE ' ... After that exit Ultrasurf and restart it . Let it connect to the server (can take some time) . After connection the ultrasurf dialog box should look as below ....

Now for the setting in firefox . Open Firefox . Go to Options -> Network tab -> Configure how firefox connects to internet settings tab . A dialog box shows up . Select Manual proxy Configuration . In HTTP proxy type 'localhost'  and in port type  '9666' and also check 'Use this proxy server for all protocols'.......Done.....!! :) ..Now you can access all blocked sites ...

You will have to change network setting back to ' Use system proxy settings' if you don't want to use proxy in firefox settings box . To prevent this hard work there is an addon available for mozilla . Download it here .. Ultrasurf Addon for Mozilla .....

Open it with mozilla firefox and let it install (requires browser restart after install) . And then enable Addon Bar from the View menu of firefox . You will see a grey icon on right bottom side of browser . Click on it and it automatically sets the proxy(grey icon turns green) for you . Clicking on it again disables proxy ....

The same settings of proxy can be applied in utorrent application connection settings to download torrents .

This trick can be used as a temporary remedy to access the internet freely ......eNjOy...... :)

1 comment:

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